Foyer Exhibition

This year’s congress, CHOCOTEC, will be again accompanied by a foyer exhibition. We invite you to take part as an exhibitor.

The Congress Centre North Koelnmesse provides excellent facilities including presentation facilities and a high quality restaurant with terrace located next to the exhibition area.

As the number of booths is limited, we will allocate only one booth per company (with the exception of those in need of more space to display big machinery or equipment, located at the entrance). We will give priority to companies who are members of the ZDS on a first come, first served basis.

In order to give you an idea of how the booths are arranged, attached you will find a plan of the exhibition facility and a description of the booths. There are max. 46 booths planned of size 3 x 2 m (6 sqm). Two or more booths could exceptionally be combined to allow the presentation of big machines or equipment.

If you have any technical questions, e.g. about construction, back walls or electricity, please get in touch with Koelnmesse GmbH (details attached), who will invoice you for the costs of stand construction and dismantling as well as any additional costs, if applicable.

We would be delighted to welcome you as an exhibitor and to present your products on the exhibitor’s platform. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Terms of Participation

The exhibition is organized in the exhibition facilities of the
Koelnmesse Congress-Centrum Nord

Contact: Ms Michaela Kröll

Koelnmesse GmbH,
Messeplatz 1, D-50679 Koeln
Phone: +49 (0) 221 821 2936
Fax: +49 (0) 221 821 2188

The exhibition will take place in co-ordination with the international ZDS Seminar CHOCOTEC 2024.

Daily opening hours: 1/2 hour before until the end of the seminar as listed in the official program.
On opening day from 11:00 am

Stand construction:
Monday, December 9, 2024 between 9:00 am and 7:00
pm or Tuesday, December 10, in the morning till 11:00 am

Thursday, December 12, 2024 – at the end of the seminar (around 1 pm)

Only companies whose products correspond to the seminar and exhibition programme are accepted to the exhibition. The admission will be decided upon by ZDS. The stand allocation will be on a first comes first served basis.

Only the participants of the CHOCOTEC Seminar are permitted to visit the exhibition.

Exhibitors are not entitled to allow access to unauthorized persons.

Application is made by returning the completed form to ZDS and Koelnmesse GmbH. The application is binding and will be confirmed in writing. The admission extends only to the company and the products listed on the application.

The exhibitor accepts the obligation to display the products throughout the whole duration of the exhibition. Direct selling and open-price labelling of exhibits or samples on the stands are not permitted.

The names should be provided on the inscription form. They will be registered on the list of participants and they are entitled to attend the conference speeches.

Total: 5.667,12 EUR

  • Stand construction and dismantling 687,12 EUR; 114,52 EUR plus VAT per sqm
  • 4980 EUR for two participants)

Each standard 6 sqm booth is free of charge for those companies who register two delegates to the symposium CHOCOTEC 2024 (for 1 person, fee: EUR 2.490,00 EUR).

There is no deduction available for those two participants registered as stand personnel.

The exhibitor is liable for any damages caused by him and his personnel or third parties working on the exhibitor’s behalf/order.

The ZDS is not liable for any damages to the stand equipment, the exhibits, the property of the stand personnel, or damages caused by the stand personnel to third parties.

Legal venue is Solingen.

overall height: 2,5 – 3,00 m
system: Octanorm
walls: white, 4 mm
fascia: fascia panel 200 cm x 30 cm, white
graphic: company name, maximum of 20 letters, in black Helvetica typeface. Other typefaces and colours are available after consultation and
for an additional fee.

basic equipment:
• white rear and side walls, carpet
• 1 fascia panel with graphic, white
• cabin 0,5 x 1 m with curtain for to hide
the sub distribution box, in blocks
• 1 pc. table 70x70cm, white top
• 3 pcs. chair, black
• 1 pc. sideboard, 70×40+72cm, light grey
• 1 pc. socket 230V
• 2 pcs. Spotlights
• 1 pcs. waste paper bin

Registration Form

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ZIP Code

Invoice adress (binding)

The details you have filled in concerning the billing address are binding. There will be a fee for a new bill from Koelnmesse if it is issued for reasons for which Koelnmesse is not responsible. A rate of 50,00 € will be charged for each new bill.
ZIP Code

Stand information

CAUTION: BOOTH 15 is reserved until Monday, September 16th
Stand personnel 1
Stand personnel 2